Commitment to Candidates

We can make a difference...

We can make a difference to your ability to find the right assignment with close client contacts and Preferred Supplier Agreements with some of the worlds most prestigious organisations.


  • Never advertise a position that does not exist.
  • Focus on matching your qualifications and experience to our client's current requirements, and respond to you in a timely manner.
  • Frequently contact you to ensure your expectations are being met in your current position.
  • Never try to entice you away from your current contract.
  • Try to ensure that we only contact you about jobs which are relevant to you.
  • Frequently contact you once we have placed you in a contract to ensure that it goes as smoothly as possible and so you know we care.
  • Offer market information and other advice eg. Visa info.
  • Always be here at the end of the telephone if you ever need help, advice, guidance or obviously a job!